“Damals bis jetzt”

“Damals bis jetzt" shows the early years of an artistic exploration through photography and video material. The exhibition shows an archive, that initially may seem like a random collection of details and images. Through various references of the works in the room, the viewer is able to discover the juxtapositions and approximations. Consisting of situational images, a story is told that, by showing random and staged photographs, allows a glimpse of what could be called a diary.

consistst of photographs / installation and moving images /exhibition at SCHOPF2 / Freiburg late 22 / early 23

sponsored by: Bürgerstiftung Freiburg, Kulturamt Stadt Freiburg, Dr. R. Böhme-Stiftung, Volksbank Freiburg, Kreativpioniere Freiburg / schildacker e.V.

landscape - search for recognition

In collaboration with painter Wolfgang Frauhammer an intermedial analysis of the term landscape is created. With photographs, moving images and  paintings we try to find out how close to the true image the respective media come and where their boundaries lie. Through the juxtaposition we question the authenticity of the other medium. The depiction of the landscape elements serves as the object of investigation.

The concept was exhibited at Kunstverein Celle in the fall of 2022 / Kunstverein Weiden in the fall of 2021

photographs / moving images by Adrian Hoellger / paintings by Wolfgang Frauhammer

sponsored by: RWLE Möller Stiftung, Stadt Celle

